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AgrAbility of Wisconsin Impact Evaluation

Since 1991 AgrAbility of Wisconsin staff has been helping Wisconsin farmers with disabilities succeed in farming. During that time more than 1,200 farmers have received information and worksite assessment plans and nearly all the plans have been implemented. In 2003, the National AgrAbility Project conducted an impact survey of farmers who were clients in state projects. Two hundred AgrAbility of Wisconsin clients were sent an evaluation and 116 clients completed the evaluation to measure the impact of the AgrAbility program. The impact evaluation addressed the tasks performed before and after acquiring a disability, the quality of the assistance, and the impact of the assistance on the farm’s productivity and financial return.  The evaluation compares the AgrAbility of Wisconsin clients to the responses of seven other state projects.  Below is a link to the Impact Evaluation.

AgrAbility of Wisconsin Impact Evaluation (PDF File)

Ergonomics of Back Pain in Farmers

Many farmers, and farm workers, face pain because of the physical work they do on a daily basis. These publications highlight the effects of the physical work on the body.

Ergonomics of Agriculture (PDF File)

Ergonomics of Back Pain in Farmers (PDF File)